Over the last 32 years, Mark Schultz has led numerous successful farm and rural organizing campaigns, either directly as an organizer or as a campaign director, while building an effective membership organization (Land Stewardship Project-LSP) in Minnesota and the Upper Midwest. Campaigns have ranged from local campaigns that stop proposed factory farms and frac sand mines, to winning sustainable ag policy at the state level, to the development, passage, and implementation of proactive federal policy like the Conservation Stewardship Program and the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program. Over the past 12 years, much of Mark’s focus has been as a leader in building the power of Minnesota’s growing progressive movement (multi-racial, statewide, multi-sectoral, and willing to take on corporate power), as well as serving in key roles with national collaboratives (HEAL Food Alliance; Animal Agriculture Reform Collaborative) in the movement for racial and economic justice and environmental stewardship. He retired as Executive Director of LSP in March 2020.