Advocates for Urban Agriculture (AUA)

Agroecology Commons

Artisan Grain Collaborative (AGC)

Black Church Food Security Network

Black Farmer Fund
Strengthen Black Farmer Presence - to support the communications team in deep narrative building, bringing educational resources to Black communities, highlighting the importance of community wealth building to build community power, and uplifting Black ancestral legacy in agriculture via earned media efforts.

Boston Farms Community Land Trust
Communications planning for Boston Farms - to support the development of communications strategies that enable messaging to strengthen community involvement; grow communications capacity; and advance contributions to the public narrative around urban farming, land conservation, and environmentalism.

Community Farm Alliance
Patchwork Initiative Communications Fellowship - to expand communications of the Patchwork Initiative, the CFA-led collaboration of Black Soil: Our Better Nature and Kentucky State University, to increase the visibility and awareness of the vital and vibrant contributions of BIPOC farmers to agriculture in Kentucky.

Communities in Partnership
Communication Cultivation - for a community-led communications team to amplify the local food justice ecosystem for Black and Brown farmers, food producers, and families.

Good Journey Development Foundation
Second Look Podcast - to support the implementation of the youth led podcast, Second Look, to amplify a narrative change around youth and elders in urban areas working collectively to grow, prepare and eat organic food.

Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action (HAPA)
Hawaiʻi Food Justice Communications Campaign - to support strategic communications that educate about, advocate for and organize around fair and sustainable food systems in Hawaiʻi.

The Louisville Association for Community Economics (LACE)
Conveying the Power of Cooperatives to Transform the Food-Farm Economy - to build capacity to tell the story of cooperatives in the food-farm economy in a compelling way, showcasing current work of building a community-owned grocery store and developing other collective enterprises in communities of color.

Milk with Dignity Standards Council
Milk with Dignity Expansion Project - to support targeted communication to familiarize key stakeholders and industry leaders with their farmworker-led program in order to expand program coverage and protect the human rights of more dairy farmworkers.

Building Minnow’s Capacity for Strategic Storytelling - to support strategic communications efforts towards centering the food system narrative around farmers of color and indigenous sovereignty in California.

Movement Training Network
Communications Capacity & Outreach - to support outreach and educational communications for the Ndn Bayou Food Forest in South Louisiana.

New Roots Urban Farm

One Generation

People’s Food and Farm Project

Pocasset Pokanoket Land Trust (PPLT)

Rock Steady Farm

Urban Tree Connection